The ultimate grooming guide for the perfect client
Valentina Rosewood Valentina Rosewood

The ultimate grooming guide for the perfect client

So, you've finally picked an escort you really like and can’t wait to meet her. Congratulations! But before you go out and start impressing her with your good manners and punctuality, there are a few things you need to take care of first. This ultimate grooming guide will make sure that you look and feel your best when meeting your future hourly girlfriend.

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Nosy questions clients ask but don’t want to know the answer to
Client essentials Valentina Rosewood Client essentials Valentina Rosewood

Nosy questions clients ask but don’t want to know the answer to

Seeing an escort can be nerve-wracking, especially when it comes to meeting them for the first time. You want to make a good impression, but you also don't want to ask too many nosy questions or pry too deep into their personal life and give the impression that you’re a stalker. Unfortunately, sometimes these questions slip out before you even realize it - and you definitely don't want to know the answer! Here are some of the most common nosy questions clients ask, but would probably be better off not knowing the answer to.

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15 safer sex rules no one ever taught you
Client essentials Valentina Rosewood Client essentials Valentina Rosewood

15 safer sex rules no one ever taught you

If you're like most people, the only sex education you ever received was from your high school health class. And let's be honest—that class probably didn't teach you everything you need to know about safer sex. So today, we're going to fill in some of the gaps by sharing 15 safer sex rules that no one ever taught you. Keep these tips in mind next time you're getting down and dirty!

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